Sonntag, 27. November 2011

Flores, Patrick : (2008) The Curatorial Turn in S.E.A. and the Afterlife of the Modern

Ushiroshoji Masahiro and Jim-Supangkat refer both to a post-modern age and art. But how is this aesthetic term -used to name an epoch too- understood? And even more notable is the "advent of a new kind of realism".

So the terms are being apropiated to speak about something new and different from the european history.
This attitude could also be explained by the events that the curators were attending.

The historical role of the curator in the non-aligned nations is resumed as folows:

1. Was the postmodern a postcolonial political expression, largely a critique of Western universalism and a desire for equivalent modernities through a series of conversions within the discourse of modernity itself and vernacular understandings of it?
2. Was the postmodern a post-avant-garde confirmation of the failure of art
3. Was the postmodern a rupture of the modern and the origin of the contemporary, a gap crossed by the artist-curator who has declared himself independent? Or did it ensure the continuity of the modern in light of the persistence of the political economy underlying the production of art and culture in the present validated by a biennale system of primarily Euro-American curators?

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